Tristan Harris & Aza Raskin: We Need Laws Where Companies Are Held Accountable For Harms Created By A.I.

Tristan Harris & Aza Raskin, co-founders of the Center for Humane Technology, joined Brian Kilmeade Show to discuss the dangers of A.I. Tristian and Aza spoke about the mental health risks of A.I. on children. Raskin and Harris compared A.I. to a little kid who after being birthed causes havoc. Harris and Raskin believe that there needs to be laws holding companies accountable for any harms that are created by A.I. the way parents are held accountable when their child causes problems. Aza and Tristan also spoke about how the fundamental uncomfortable truth of AI is that the promise of AI and the peril of AI cannot be separated. Adding, the same technology that allows us to edit our family photos and develop new antibiotics also enables deep fake nudes of teen girls and can create super pandemics

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