One Week To Go!

We are a week out from the most consequential election day, maybe of all time.


I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.


Here we are, a week away from arguably the most important election day of our time.


The national polls are neck and neck and there’s no doubt this election will be close but let me offer some cautious optimism.


If you’ll recall, at this point in 2016, the New York Times gave Hillary Clinton a 91% chance of victory and we all know how that one turned out!


And even though Trump narrowly lost in 2020, his poll numbers then were also below where he sits now.


And it’s not just the poll numbers, Donald Trump’s favorability is also higher now than it was in either election. Sure, it might still be underwater, but it’s less underwater than it was, even when he won in 2016!


Now that doesn’t mean conservatives can get cocky or complacent. Anything can happen and we must ALL treat our vote as if it will be THE vote that wins the election.


Red state or blue state, YOUR vote counts!


If you haven’t banked your early vote, I suggest you do. 


If you’re not into early voting, be sure to have a rock solid plan to vote next Tuesday!


I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at

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