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Arrest: A man is held by two police officers on New Year's Eve in Manchester city centre 

Requiring help: A woman lies on the pavement during New Year's Eve celebrations last night in central Birmingham

One without shoes: These four New Year's Eve revellers were pictured on the street in Newcastle last night

Waiting for the bus: Four women - two barefoot - take refuge in a bus shelter on New Year's Eve in Cardiff

Catching some sleep: This woman decided to lie in the gutter on Prince of Wales Road in Norwich on New Year's Eve

Going nowhere: A reveller tries to ride a bike chained to a lamp post in the early hours of yesterday

All too much: A girl kneels on the ground, propped against a bollard, after a night of partying

Paramedics on the scene: A woman stumbles into an ambulance in Liverpool city centre last night as revellers celebrated the New Year

Helping hand: A woman is supported as she walks along Broad Street in Birmingham

Assistance: Friends look after a fallen reveller on New Year's Eve in the centre of Liverpool


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