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‘Knight of Cups’ Producers: Malick’s Film Is “Stream Of Consciousness,” Antonio Banderas Doesn't Know Who He Plays

‘Knight of Cups’ Producers: Malick’s Film Is “Stream Of Consciousness,” Antonio Banderas Doesn't Know Who He Plays Terrence Malick's "To The Wonder" "makes 'Tree of Life' look like 'Transformers,' " Ben Affleck said in 2012, just a few weeks before the film was unveiled to audiences for the first time in Venice. Some viewers loved it, but not everyone was impressed. One thing we can probably all agree on, Affleck’s comments, while well-intentioned, were a bit ridiculous, even meaningless (especially given that he kind of backtracked and sort of suggested the “half-crazy” experience was a bit frustrating). Producers and billionaire scions Min Kao and Alex Walton, two of the key financiers, gave a few more details about Malick's latest film, "Knight of Cups," in an interview with THR. We know the movie is about excess in Hollywood, but Kao filled in a few more details. “Christian Bale plays Rick, who is a screenwriter and filmmaker living in California,” he said. “From the outside, it looks like he has everything. Inside, he's empty in a lot of ways, and...

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