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Diplomatic Spring in Korea: Kim Jong-Un Receives Official Invitation to Visit Moscow From Lavrov

Diplomatic Spring in Korea: Kim Jong-Un Receives Official Invitation to Visit Moscow From Lavrov

Sergey Lavrov has visited North Korea for the first time in the past 9 years, becoming the first Russian official received by Kim Jong-un. Judging by the number of smiles and handshakes, the talks were held in a very friendly atmosphere. The North Korean leader received warm greetings from Vladimir Putin, an invitation to visit Russia, and a chest for keeping secrets. And the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that the settlement of the Korean crisis requires a special approach.

Here's Darya Kozlova.

With the meeting just minutes away, Kim Yo-Jong, North Korean leader's sister, is peeking into the conference room. Kim Jong-un is waiting at the entrance. It's his first meeting with a Russian official.

Kim Jong-un: "Once again, I warmly welcome your delegation. I think your visit attests to the attention paid by the leadership of the Russian Federation to the development of relations between our countries".

It's an official visit of the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry. The Chairman of the North Korean State Affairs Commission doesn't receive ministers every day.

Kim Jong-un: "The situation on the Korean peninsula is changing according to the interests of the peoples of the two countries. I appreciate that the Russian leadership is actively opposed to US hegemony, and we are always ready to negotiate with Russia on this matter".

Sergey Lavrov: "We're interested in peace, stability, and prosperity; not only for the Korean peninsula but for all of Northeast Asia as a whole".

During the meeting, Kim Jong-un confirmed his readiness to expand and develop ties with Moscow.

Kim Jong-un: Is Mr. Putin in good health?

Sergey Lavrov: Yes, he is in excellent health, and he appreciated your words of congratulations on his reelection.

— You are our wonderful friends, and despite my busy schedule, I made sure that I made time for you.

Sergey Lavrov: We appreciate this very much.

— Upon your arrival, convey my warm greetings to President Putin and your people.

— We'd be happy to see you in Russia.

The Russian Foreign Minister didn't come to Pyongyang empty-handed. He has a symbolic present for the Korean side.

Sergey Lavrov: "It's a chest. Here's a key to lock up secrets".

On the eve of the meeting between Kim Jong-un and Trump, Russia reiterated the importance of not forcing events or demanding everything at once.

Sergey Lavrov: "We consider it very important to treat these contacts extremely delicately; try not to make any hasty decisions, try not to artificially accelerate this process which will, of course, take considerable time and require a very meticulous discussion of all the components of a comprehensive treaty that will ensure not only the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, but also peace and stability throughout Northeast Asia".

To pay tribute to the host, the Russian delegation visited the monument to Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. It's a must during official visits. Then, they laid wreaths at the Liberation Monument. This is the main obelisk in the country dedicated to the Soviet Army, commemorating those who died liberating Korea during the Second World War.

The beginning of 2018 became a real diplomatic spring for North Korea. Kim Jong-un has already held four summits, with the most anticipated meeting still coming up. Sergey Lavrov arrived in Pyongyang less than two weeks before the first-ever North Korea–US summit.

Darya Kozlova, Nikita Korneev, Olga Khodinova for Vesti from Pyongyang.

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