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Watch: Benedict Cumberbatch's Powerful Reading Of Alan Turing's Letter Before He Was Convicted For “Gross Indecency”

Having earned an Oscar nomination for his turn in "The Imitation Game," Benedict Cumberbatch found the heart of the sometimes emotionally mechanical Alan Turing in the film. And while the film didn't delve into Turing's homosexuality as much as some would've liked (even though his conviction for "gross indecency" helped form the narrative structure of the movie), the actor isn't done channeling Turning yet.

As part of the "Letters Live" series, Cumberbatch read a letter Turing wrote shortly before he plead guilty to the aforementioned charges addressed to friend and fellow mathematician Norman Routledge. It was penned two years before Turing would take his own life, and already he was plagued by the possibility that the conviction would be his legacy. His words are heartbreaking,  and also nicely performed by Cumberbatch. Below, the text of the letter followed by the video. [via Open Culture]

My dear Norman,
I don’t think I really do know much...

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