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Новости за 01.10.2015

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

After years of declines, MLB offense perks up in 2nd half

NEW YORK (AP) — As fresh-faced rookies cleared fences right along with the reliable sluggers into late September, hitters perked up in the second half this season and stopped an eight-year sli…


After years of declines, MLB offense perks up in 2nd half

NEW YORK (AP) — As fresh-faced rookies cleared fences right along with the reliable sluggers into late September, hitters perked up in the second half this season and stopped an eight-year sli…

«TDN» (tdn.com) 

After years of declines, MLB offense perks up in 2nd half

NEW YORK (AP) — As fresh-faced rookies cleared fences right along with the reliable sluggers into late September, hitters perked up in the second half this season and stopped an eight-year sli…

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

After years of declines, MLB offense perks up in 2nd half

NEW YORK (AP) — As fresh-faced rookies cleared fences right along with the reliable sluggers into late September, hitters perked up in the second half this season and stopped an eight-year sli…

«The Bismarck Tribune» (bismarcktribune.com) 

After years of declines, MLB offense perks up in 2nd half

NEW YORK (AP) — As fresh-faced rookies cleared fences right along with the reliable sluggers into late September, hitters perked up in the second half this season and stopped an eight-year sli…

Блог сайта «Нереал: астрология, гадания, сновидения» 

Предсказание по зеркалу

Способ 1

Это гадание используется девушками, желающими увидеть своего будущего супруга. Гадающая должна быть обязательно одна. Для этого к 12 часам ночи она запирается в комнате и, раздетая, садится за стол. Предварительно на столе ставится зеркало, а по бокам его зажигаются две свечи. Напротив этого зеркала устанавливается другое - таким образом, при взгляде в одно из них, возникает целая галерея взаимных отражений.

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