Новости по-русски

Новости за 31.12.2015

Kyiv Post 

Leonid Bershidsky: Ukraine, Russia finally break up

Russia and Ukraine have spent most of their post-Soviet history as Siamese twins, but for the last two years they've been undergoing political and economic separation surgery. It will probably be more or less complete in 2016, and though both twins are in for a grim period, the weaker one, Ukraine, has the better prospects in some ways.

El Financiero 

Mezcla de Pemex, sin resistencia; cae 3.13%

El crudo mexicano cayó a 26.93 dólares, a 70 centavos de igualar su mínimo de 11 años y a 71 centavos de romperlo. El consumo en Estados Unidos se ha desacelerado lo que implicó un aumento de inventarios.


"Улиточки" из куриной грудки в духовке с беконом

Представляю вам простой, не дорогой, очень вкусный и ароматный рецепт куриной грудки. Попробуйте! Всего 30 минут и потрясающе вкусный ужин готов. Останется нарезать салатик или немного овощей и вы будете счастливы!

Mundo Deportivo 

El Barça sigue líder antes del derbi

Dos semanas y media después de su tropiezo ante el Deportivo (2-2) en el Camp Nou, el Barça ha hecho los deberes ante el Betis (4-0) sin acusar la resaca de Yokohama tras no ganar en su regreso a la Liga tras la Intercontinental de 1992 y los...

The Huffington Post 

People of Faith Can Help Cure Spiritual Sickness of Gun Violence

It is expected that President Obama will soon announce a series of new executive orders to help curb gun violence. People of faith should be at his side. The NRA - once a respected hunting organization that now sides with terrorists - is already planning, with the help of the GOP Congress, to undermine the president's efforts.

We need common sense laws in America that keep our people safe. No one in a classroom, mall, house of worship or their home should have to fear outbreaks of gun violence. Читать дальше...