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Новости за 31.12.2016

«TDN» (tdn.com) 

Russia, brushing off Obama, looks to friendlier Donald Trump

HONOLULU (AP) — Stung by new punishments, Russia is looking straight past President Barack Obama to Donald Trump in hopes the president-elect will reverse the tough U.S. stance toward Moscow of the last eight years. In a stunning embrace of…

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

Russia, brushing off Obama, looks to friendlier Donald Trump

HONOLULU (AP) — Stung by new punishments, Russia is looking straight past President Barack Obama to Donald Trump in hopes the president-elect will reverse the tough U.S. stance toward Moscow of the last eight years. In a stunning embrace of…

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

County's elected officials sworn in for new terms

Saying he is “always impressed by the quality of government work done here,” Circuit Court Judge Daniel Murphy administered the oath of office to five incumbent Linn County elected officials Friday at the courthouse.

Блог сайта «Русская весна» 

Fitch понизило рейтинг «ПриватБанка» до уровня ограниченного дефолта

Международное рейтинговое агентство Fitch понизило долгосрочный и краткосрочный рейтинги дефолта эмитента (РДЭ) в иностранной валюте «ПриватБанка» до «RD» — ограниченный дефолт — с «ССС», сообщает «Прайм» со ссылкой на данные агентства.

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