"Карательная психиатрия", говорили они
Чувак слил доки Гугла (конторы); Гугл в отместку повелел полицаям свинтить чувака для проверки психического здоровья.
В комментах вопли одобрения и восторга от разного рода американской ваты:
60,000 crimes in San Francisco and they hardly arrest anyone. Say something bad about Google and the cops are there immediately.
1,6 тыс.
Dude: Thank you for coming forward. We're with you. We appreciate your courage. xoxo
Google is a clear and present danger to the United States. (ему отвечают: World)
God protect this brave and courageous soul. Lets all pray for him and his safety.
Anyone else wondering if Jeffrey Epstein had a "dead man's switch"? I sure hope so!!
Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov was right!! It's happening
Но ад и Мордор, конечно же, в РФ.
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