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Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China is free to keep until February 16th

Side-scrolling sneak 'n' stab Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China is free to keep over on Ubisoft Connect as part of the store's Lunar New Year sale.

Starting last night, you can add ACC: China to your account by heading over to Ubisoft's giveaway page anytime between now and next Tuesday, February 16th at 4 PM (all time zones). Same deal as last year's giveaway, basically.

The first in the Chronicles trilogy of spin-off games, China follows 16th century assassin Shao Jun as she skulks and slaughters her way through a streamlined, side-scrolling take on the Assassin's Creed formula. While admittedly nicking stuff from Mark of the Ninja, our Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China review still felt it a "refreshingly pared back" take on the series.

"It feels like the first game in the series where the process of slaughtering your enemies unseen is very much the main deal, and you aren't asked to climb 73 church steeples before you get to the good parts," wrote reviewer David Meikleham.

The following Chronicles games explore Russia and India, though while they featured new perspectives and stunning new visual styles, they fall a little further down the list of our definitive Assassin's Creed rankings.

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