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Skywind mod shows off a year of progress, but needs your help to finish

If you've been eagerly awaiting the release of Skywind, the extremely ambitious mod that plans to completely recreate The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind in the Skyrim: Special Edition Engine, I've got some great news and some perhaps not-so-great news.

Let's start with the good stuff. Another development video has appeared, showing off a dozen minutes of tasty looking footage of Skywind: landscapes, dungeons, concept art, characters, magic, combat, just about anything a hopeful Morrowind fan would want to see. It's deeply impressive stuff and represents the progress made on the mod over the past year, all by volunteers.

Several notable milestones have been reached. Vivec City, capital of Vvardenfell, has been completed and is ready to be filled with bustling NPCs and finer details to bring it to life. Over a hundred dungeons have been completed. Progress on Velothi tombs is nearly complete and the team is planning to begin recreating Daedric ruins. And a staggering 35,000 lines of dialogue have already been recorded and implemented.

The possibly not-great news is that pretty much every element shown in the video, from sound design to 3D modeling to level design to voice acting, are still incomplete and the modding team behind Skywind is looking for more volunteers. Lots more volunteers. As much progress has been made, the project still sounds like it could be a long way from completion.

On the other hand, maybe that's actually good news, at least for some people. If you're interested in working on mods and have some of the skills required, this is a good chance to get involved and help bring Skywind across the finish line. And even if you're not an artist or designer, there are some opportunities to volunteer with tasks like chopping up recorded dialogue into individual files or pitching in with QA testing.

If you're interested in contributing to Skywind, you can apply here. If all you want to do is play it, you've still got a while to wait.

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