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Average nominal monthly salary in Armenia 190,553 drams in July

Average nominal monthly salary in Armenia 190,553 drams in July

An average nominal monthly salary in Armenia was 190,553 drams (399 US dollars or 22,903 Russian rubles) in July 2015 – 5.3% higher than one month ago, the National Statistical Service of Armenia reports.

YEREVAN, September 2. /ARKA/. An average nominal monthly salary in Armenia was 190,553 drams (399 US dollars or 22,903 Russian rubles) in July 2015 – 5.3% higher than one month ago, the National Statistical Service of Armenia reports.

The country's average nominal salary in June 2015 was 180,989 drams – 0.7% higher than in the previous month and 8.5% higher than in June 2014.  

The highest average salary was recorded in the country's Syunik province in June 2015 – 215,200 drams, and the lowest salary in Aragatsotn province – about 127,500 drams. An average nominal salary in Yerevan was 194,400 drams. 

Finance and insurance sectors were notable for the highest salaries – 366,100 drams, on average. Communication and mining sectors' average salaries were high as well – 351,400 drams and 344,900 drams respectively. 

The lowest-paid jobs were in the housing and utilities services segment – 117,200 drams, in the education segment – 117,400 drams, in culture and leisure – 118,200 drams and in agriculture forestry and fishery – 120,100 drams. ($1 – AMD 478.65). ---0----–

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