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Vladimir Putin said he would not go into the ring with actor Steven Seagal

Russian President Vladimir Putin said he would not go into the ring with actor Steven Seagal, Aksakal Media reports. This statement was made by the head of Russian during visiting the aquarium on the Russian island in the company the vice-premier of China Council Wang Yan and Steven Seagal. Wang Yang pointed out that the interests of Putin and Segal in the field of martial arts are the same and invited them to step into the ring against each other. "I would not", - joked the russian president. After that, they visited the aquarium and fish tanks, where there will be sharks, manatees, jellyfish and crabs in a few months. Stopping in front of the exhibition with huge killer whales, the Russian leader said to the the vice-premier of China Council about these animals, that they are sometimes very dangerous to humans. Steven Seagal has visited Russia and expresses its sympathies to the Russian leader.

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