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The White House’s secret: The creation of the coronavirus was paid for by the US

МОСКВА, 12 сентября 2021, Институт РУССТРАТ. US President Joe Biden plans to convene a summit on combating the coronavirus infection at the end of September, reports Politico. The publication lists its possible topics: global vaccination efforts, increasing the supply of oxygen to countries in need, as well as the possibility of international cooperation in research and development related to COVID-19. The summit will be timed to coincide with the meetings of the UN General Assembly scheduled for a week from September 20. Some states have already been notified of Biden's plans to organise a summit, but there are no formal invitations for other participants yet, the American publication adds. Perhaps the US president will tell more about his initiative in more detail, Politico suggests. Well, the details really don't hurt here, since White House press secretary Jen Psaki, for example, ran away from just one simple "coronavirus" question from Newsmax reporter Emerald Robinson. She asked Psaki about 900 pages of documents on the topic of research of several types of coronaviruses in the Wuhan laboratory, funded by the American medical organisation EcoHealth Alliance with money from the US federal budget. But Jen didn't answer her — she grabbed her folder and flew away while the question was still being asked. What is the story of these 900 pages? It turned out that the key experimental work with humanised (that is, with human receptors on cells) mice was carried out via American grants in the laboratory of the third level of biosafety at the Center for Animal Experiments at Wuhan University, and not at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as previously thought. It was there, in the Centre, that the accident that splashed SARS-CoV-2 into the world of God happened suggests The Intercept, which revealed this data. Isn't this what “Sleepy Joe” means by” international cooperation in research and development"? The Intercept does not specify whether it was an accident or a "natural secondary spread". But it is confirmed by the mouth of a molecular biologist from Rutgers University, Richard Ebright: new viruses were created in Wuhan. And not only the coronavirus, but also, for example, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). The question of the origin of the coronavirus seems to have been asked by the organiser of the upcoming summit, Joe Biden. In May, he instructed US intelligence to deal with this, and on August 27 he washed his hands of it, declaring that the investigation had not brought results. And at the same time, he accused China of hiding important data. Now it turns out that the US was hiding important data about COVID-19: the documents obtained by The Intercept were requested by the publication in the framework of the court under the Freedom of Information Act as early as September 2020. But all this, we can say, is yesterday. Whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus is artificial and who exactly created it matters today only in the context of epoch-making measures to combat it imposed on humanity by globalist structures, such as the World Health Organisation. Simply put, if the virus is artificial and in addition can be man-made on the fly, then what are all these "global vaccination efforts" announced by Biden worth? Especially if the virus itself, its strains, and vaccines against it were thrown together by approximately the same structures and for the same money? Ironically, it is the United States that has been hit the hardest by the current pandemic. Despite the brave reports of Washington about 55% of the vaccinated population, the charts of the incidence rate of Americans with COVID are terrifying. 40.46 million infected — first place in the world. 121 cases per 1000 Americans — first place among developed countries. 652,600 people died — first place in the world. Maybe Biden should be more modest? The announcement of the COVID-summit from his mouth is like an announcement about manual therapy courses in the morgue. However, there is other advice: stop lying. How, for example, the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stopped pretending to save people from the virus. With a slight movement of their hand, they rewrote the instructions for mRNA vaccines from COVID-19: now these drugs, it turns out, do not produce immunity, but only "stimulate the immune response for protection". And stimulation is such a thing: it can end successfully, or it may misfire. Meanwhile, Big Pharma is ready to start vaccinating very young children, who, as it has been stated all this time, do not particularly affect the spread of the coronavirus. Injections for kids from 2 to 11 years old are almost a done deal (everyone has decided about those who are older for a long time): it remains to get approval from regulators. The pharmacological company Pfizer promises to prepare data on infants by the end of the autumn.

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