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Deripaska will write off "Nature"

According to the correspondent of The Moscow Post, the Moscow Region Arbitration Court recovered about 3 billion rubles from First Decision LLC, the main legal entity of the cosmetic company Natura Siberica (Nature Sayberik, the brand Agafya's grandmother's recipes). Thus, the version of our publication is confirmed that entrepreneur Oleg Deripaska is related to the section of the company. This country was first reported by The Moscow Post.

It was Oleg Deripaska's structures that owned En + Recycling, which, together with Ingosstrakh, acted as a plaintiff in the case. The companies demanded 4.1 billion rubles (2.67 and 1.49 billion, respectively) from First Solution LLC.

The cause of the lawsuit is a fire at the Dmitrovsky experimental plant of aluminum and combined tape (DOZAKL), which occurred in March 2020. The decision has not entered into legal force and will probably be appealed. So this is not the end, but an important milestone in this scandalous story.

Natura rented premises for DOZAKL, there was the main production line of the company. However, the founder of Nature, Andrei Trubnikov, who passed away at the beginning of 2021, fundamentally disagreed with the lawsuit and the claims made. The amount of claims was called overstated, especially in the context of the fact that all the assets of Nature today are estimated at 3-4 billion rubles. But Trubnikov did not live to see the end of the trials.

After his death, a hereditary-corporate conflict broke out. Two of his spouses began to share the legacy of the entrepreneur - the first, Irina, and the last, Anastasia, as well as children, including from the second wife Oksana. A separate party to the conflict are other shareholders of companies included in the Civil Code.

Recall that Andrei Trubnikov in different organizations of the group had from 50% to 62%. Now most of these shares should go to his first wife Irina, who has 40% in the group's main legal entity - First Decision LLC. The son of Irina and Andrei Trubnikov Dmitry - 15% of the company.

The outbreak of conflict and the claims of other relatives and partners of Trubnikov made obtaining this inheritance problematic. Relatives were mired in court proceedings, and in the corridors of offices a real confrontation began between groups loyal to one or another part of the heirs.

The same fire at DOZAKL, which was the beginning of Natura Siberica problems

We are talking, first of all, about the confrontation between Irina Trubnikova and the current shareholders and the top management of Nature. Everything looks like Oleg Deripaska could use Irina Trubnikov and her inheritance rights to get 3 billion rubles. In the conditions of the division of property and the existing lawsuit, it would be extremely beneficial for him to enlist its support, and then simply transfer the "compensation."

"Krupnyak" flew into production

However, the situation turned out to be more serious, because another major player, AFK Sistema Vladimir Yevtushenkov, began to negotiate the redemption of shares against the background of a hanging lawsuit from En + Retsaikling.

Earlier, Forbes, citing its own sources, wrote that initially Yevtushenkov showed interest in negotiations with Irina Trubnikova. However, they, apparently, did not end in anything, and the businessman could switch to his third wife, Anastasia.

It was also reported that Yevtushenkov and Deripaska can negotiate the division of shares directly with each other. Meanwhile, the satisfaction of the claim "En + Recycling" does not mean at all that the amount will immediately be paid.

The reason is the ongoing litigation between the heirs of Trubnikov and the current leadership of Nature. Earlier, notary Aigul Karnaukhova, who conducts the Trubnikov hereditary case, concluded trust management agreements with the heirs. However, at least as of mid-August, none of the heirs had yet entered into ownership.

The heirs, with the exception of the third, last wife of Trubnikov Anastasia, filed lawsuits against the court, demanding that the decisions of the extraordinary meetings of the LLC participants through which Natura Siberica works be invalidated. And also take interim measures in the form of a ban on amending the constituent documents and information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The reason was the decisions of shareholders, which Irina Trubnikova considers illegal, according to which President Sergei Builov and a new general director were appointed in the company. It is with the decision of Builov that the cancellation of passes to the enterprise is associated with Irina Trubnikova and a number of former employees of the company who supported her.

As a result, a push with security arose at the passage of the company's main office in Novosibirsk. But the situation went even further, and it was in the context of the En + Rezaiklikng lawsuit for compensation for damage for the fire in Dmitrov.

At the same time, the court found the culprit of the fire two employees of "Nature," including the driver of the loader, who conducted welding near the place of storage of plastic packaging. This court decision entered into force, but it became known about it only recently, writes Secret of the company.

At the very end of August, the Babushkinsky court of Moscow arrested production and packaging machines at the site in Dmitrov. As well as trademarks of the First Solution, including the well-known brands "Recipes of Grandmother Agafya," Organic Shop, "Good Herbs" and "Home Recipes."

At the same time, Irina Trubnikova announced that she had taken control of the company's production facilities at the DOZAKL plant. The entrepreneur compiled an inventory of equipment that is under arrest, her representative said.

In addition, she was banned from using the company's brands. Later, the president of Nature, Sergei Builov, said that Trubnikova's representatives did not let workers into the plant, which was why production was stopped. Work was to be restored later, after the inventory of property.

And even in this context, we can conclude that Irina Trubnikova is hardly interested in continuing the stable work of the company, which now owes billions of rubles.

Irina Trubnikova

Returning to Deripaska and the lawsuit of his company: the procedure for collecting funds may be delayed, you will have to stand in the queue of creditors. If the court decision on the lawsuit comes into force, he will need an ally from among the majority shareholders of the company to be guaranteed to receive his money.

Based on the above, if we take this version as a basis, then both the actions of En + Recycling and the actions of Irina Trubnikova and the opposition of other shareholders become clear and logical. The latter are clearly not enthusiastic about the prospect of giving most of Nature to Deripaska. And the fact that the company will continue to work as usual and return the lost positions in the market, now no one is talking at all.

Nothing personal, just...

Experts ambiguously commented on the version of Deripaska's involvement in the section "Nature of Saiberic." The business is completely non-core for him. Now, when the probability of the company leaving the market is very high, a selfish motive comes to the fore.

Deripaska itself should experience serious problems due to the emerging conflict between metallurgists and the government of the Russian Federation. Against the background of rapidly rising metal prices, which may be followed by metallurgists themselves (including Deripaska), the Government introduced new export duties on metal.

Duties will be valid from August 1 to December 31, 2021. The funds received, and it is expected that this will be about 160 billion rubles, the authorities will send to compensate for losses from rising prices for metal products, including in the state defense order. As Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov explained, even this amount is only a small part, about 20-25% of the super-profits that Russian metallurgists have due to rising prices.

At the same time, Deripaska himself continues to make resonant statements, the general message of which can be reduced to one thing - the Government should ask Oleg Deripaska himself how to conduct business. And not only directly to the Cabinet, but also to the Central Bank, which, according to the entrepreneur, did not justify itself as a "mega-regulator."

It seems that Oleg Deripaska cannot decide on his behavior and strategy in changing conditions. Two years ago, he completely lost as much as $7.5 billion, but immediately withdrew from sanctions three of his main assets - the En + holding (he owns En + Recycling through several stages of ownership), Eurosibenergo and, in fact, UC Rusal. About this wrote Forbes.

Against the backdrop of financial problems, Oleg Deripaska "scrapes down the Susek" wherever possible?

It seems that this price, amid other problems, turned out to be too high for Deripaska. And now his management is looking for any opportunities to replenish the empty "cups" - in anticipation of new sweats from export duties. One of these opportunities is to recover billions from Nature Sayberik, even if the result is its bankruptcy and liquidation.

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