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Roodepoort Primary reopens

There were mixed reactions on the first day back at the embattled Roodepoort Primary School.


Johannesburg - The first day back at the embattled Roodepoort Primary School started off smoothly on Wednesday morning.

While not all pupils might attend for long because they have been given an option to transfer to neighbouring schools, parents dropped off their children early and teachers also reported to the school.

This is the first time in a month that the school has been open.

At a community meeting on Tuesday night, Gauteng Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi said parents who felt their children were unsafe at Roodepoort could apply for a transfer.

Education spokeswoman Phumla Sekhonyane said: “We gave parents the option to approach the district director and ask for a transfer to any school of their choice.”

Pupils would only be transferred if there was space at their preferred school.

Problems at the school seem far from over, with parents divided over whether the school should be reopened.

On Tuesday parents whose children had been attending school in Lufhereng marched to Gauteng Premier David Makhura’s office, complaining that the mediation team he had set up had not consulted them before deciding to reopen the school.

About 830 pupils have been attending Lufhereng Primary and were taught by the principal, her two deputies and a few teachers.

Other teachers reported to the district office, while about 300 pupils reported to a hall and churches in Davidsonville. This was because their parents had defied the Education Department’s decision to close the school.

Roodepoort Primary was shut last month due to a dispute over principal Nomathemba Molefe’s appointment. Some parents had objected, accusing the school of mismanaging funds, despite two independent audit reports clearing Molefe of wrongdoing.

The decision to reopen the school was made after a recommendation on Friday by the mediation team.

On Tuesday some parents said they were worried about their children’s safety. Ola Seichokelo said: “Our children are going to go back to that school and experience racism again.”

Parent Nancy Mofokeng said she was worried the situation could flare up again.

“We have to do what’s best for our children, and that is for them to stay in Lufhereng.

“How are we going to know that the children will be safe?”

The parents demanded to see the premier but were told he was unavailable.

Instead, Lesufi held a meeting with a few of their leaders at the Roodepoort Civic Centre.

While Lesufi and the mediation team were holding the meeting, however, other parents opposed to the move descended on the school and tried to disrupt the proceedings.

Chanting “Lufhereng! Lufhereng!”, they vowed to stop the school from reopening.

The Star

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