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Alarm over Arizona freeway shootings

Alarm over Arizona freeway shootings

Arizona police are on alert following a spate of shootings targeting motorists on busy freeways.


Phoenix - Police in Arizona are on alert following a spate of shootings targeting motorists on busy freeways, with officials describing the attacks as “domestic terrorism”.

Eleven attacks have taken place in the southwestern US state since August 29, the latest of which was on Thursday when a semi-trailer was struck in the side by a bullet, police told AFP.

The only injury has been a teenage girl who was cut by flying glass when the window of the car in which she was travelling was shattered by a bullet.

Bart Graves, a spokesman for Arizona state police, said there are fears that one or more snipers may be behind the attacks.

“We think there is some copycat activity going on here but we don't know if it's all related,” he told AFP.

Colonel Frank Milstead, head of the Arizona Department of Public Safety, said the attacks amount to “domestic terrorism” and a reward of $20,000 was being offered for information leading to an arrest.

He said drivers have been lucky so far as there have been no major injuries or fatalities.

The first attacks took place on August 29 when two cars and an empty tour bus were struck each by a bullet in separate incidents.

Similar attacks have since taken place.

Graves said there has been no panic over the incidents, which recall the so-called Beltway sniper attacks of 2002 which left 10 people dead and sowed terror in the US capital.

“People keep driving on freeways,” Graves said. “The attacks have not resulted in less traffic.”


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