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Serzh Sargsyan calls Iran-P5+1 agreement ''historical''

Serzh Sargsyan calls Iran-P5+1 agreement ''historical''

The Armenian President said this addressing a speech at the 70th session of UN General Assembly in New York on September 29.

''That critical deal is undoubtedly going to contribute to the global settlement of the conflict situations and consolidation of the mutual trust, and it was made possible by the extended and consistent political and diplomatic efforts'', said Serzh Sargsyan.

Speaking about the situation in the Middle East, the Armenian President has said that the atrocities unfolding there not only result in the destruction of the Armenian spiritual and cultural heritage artefacts, but murder and expulsion of the numerous Armenians residing in Iraq and Syria.

''The Armenian community of Syria, whose history is centuries-long, shares and experiences all hardships that the Syrian people are undergoing in these difficult times. We are trying to aid the refuges to the best of our abilities: until this day, Armenia received more than 16 thousand refugees from Syria. By this sheer figure, Armenia is one of the first among recipient European countries.

Armenians know well the fate of the refuges, of the exiled and expelled. The Armenian Genocide should have claimed many more lives, and the survivors should have gone through much more hardship unless a number of nations, our friends had given us their shoulder in those difficult times. Today it is Germany, Sweden, and some other countries that deserve their due praise for humanism they displayed. They provided hundreds of thousands of refugees with safe haven, and thus reiterated that the assistance was necessary both from the legal and humanist perspectives'', said the Armenian President.

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