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Why I Still Love Weddings Even Though I'm Divorced

Why I Still Love Weddings Even Though I'm Divorced "Wow, they're really built for weddings, huh?" said one of my best guy friends to one of my other best guy friends while watching me and my best girlfriend kill it on the dance floor at one of our other best guy friend's weddings a few years ago. Weddings are awesome. They just are. You have a bunch of people in a room with a dance floor and a band or DJ with a bar and probably a bunch of your friends and family -- all dressed up and looking fancy. What more could you ask for to bring complete joy into your life for a couple of hours, right?

It's two people making a choice to share their lives together and they've invited you (YOU!) to be part of it. Chances are there was a list. And that list was too long. And people needed to be cut from that list. But they thought you were important enough to be in that room when they look out at all the people they love most in the world sharing their special day about their special choice together. So what if you got divorced and you're still bitter about love? So what if you think marriage is a joke and you think they are making a huge mistake? So WHAT? We live in AMERICA where people can make choices. And if down the line they decide that choice isn't working for them anymore they can make another choice to go in a different direction. Or not. To each his own. For now, on this day, there is a dance floor and an open bar (my two favorite things). Also, I love love. I really do. I hope when people get married they stay married forever. But I also hope that if the marriage has dimmed both of their lights and they are no longer growing into the people they want to be, they have the courage to make another choice, to realize that life is long, and being miserable because you think you are trapped is no way to live. Not in America. But the wedding? That's the party. That's the celebration. You can't hate a wedding!


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