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Constitutional reforms will offer broad democracy, step up political parties and strengthen opposition, MP says

Constitutional reforms will offer broad democracy, step up political parties and strengthen opposition, MP says

Levon Martirosyan, an MP from the ruling Republican Party of Armenia, argued today that the proposed constitutional reforms that will make Armenia a parliamentary republic if approved at a December 6 referendum, offer broad democracy, step up the role of political parties and strengthen the opposition.

YEREVAN, October 19. / ARKA /. Levon Martirosyan, an MP from the ruling Republican Party of Armenia, argued today that the proposed constitutional reforms that will make Armenia a parliamentary republic if approved at a December 6 referendum, offer broad democracy, step up the role of political parties and strengthen the opposition.

According to Martirosyan, constitutional reforms are not the issue that is vital for the population, which should not be enthusiastic about them. The reforms is a task for the political elite that is interested in their implementation, he said.

Martirosyan said along with various benefits the proposed changes curtail the clout of the ruling party that ‘has always enjoyed majority seats in the parliament as a head start’.

The proposed changes were praised also by another MP,  Tevan Poghosyan, from Heritage party,  who said  the parliamentary republic  is a more democratic form of governance than the current semi-presidential model of government, but added that much will depend on how the reforms will be implemented given they are approved at the referendum.

He said the public at large must be fully informed about the proposed changes so that to be able to express their civic position and make their choice.

The referendum on constitutional amendments, providing for a transition to parliamentary form of government, will be held December 6. The draft constitutional reforms were approved by the parliament on October 5.-0-

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