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"Valdai" Putin's speech - the first blow, when a fight is inevitable

The original "On the eve» - nakanune.ru 


Completed its work discussion club "Valdai" 




The final phase of the Valdai Club was the speech of Vladimir Putin, and answers to questions. Previous "Valdai" was the President's speech in his own sign - unipolar world criticism was sharp and highly relevant. Now on the Russian leader were waiting for something like that - someone was waiting for the formula of universal justice emanating from Russia, who was expecting sharp criticism, someone just expected that Putin will tell. And Putin said.

The reaction of our "western colleagues" begins to emerge: The Guardian responded to the headline "Putin accuses US of supporting terrorism in the Middle East". Loud, but true.But do not take it the Russian president only as a criticism of the US and its foreign policy - everyone hears what he wants to hear, I'm sure Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Sergei Chernyakhovsky. And the president's speech was devoted to the many, many occasions. This he said in an interview with On the eve.

Question: What is your general impression of Putin's speech at the "Valdai"?

Sergei Chernyakhovsky: I really liked the episode, when he said that 50 years ago the Leningrad street taught me one thing: if a fight is inevitable - the firsthit. I think that this is necessary to be guided in a relationship with someone who does not want to find agreement with the country. And so - a brilliant speech, brilliant answers to questions - relaxed, clear, clear. Another question - to hear it or not, our opponents, but they often hear only what they themselves want to hear.

Question: What do you think will hear you? Will it resonance among the foreign media, among our citizens, perhaps, among the liberals?

Sergei Chernyakhovsky: Well, those who are called by our liberals, of course, betray it's anathema - "Baba Yaga always against." In the West is a resonance, it is already beginning to gain momentum, because the gap with the reality that exists now the leaders of Western elites - he is striking and wider circles of the elite, and it just contradicts systemic economic and political interests of Western countries.

Question: This break with reality only the political elite? Or Western society too?

Sergei Chernyakhovsky: Well, to the extent that the current top manage to manipulate public opinion, of course, and in a society there is this gap. But you know these surveys - that the leading Western countries, a large proportion of the population would like to see his country at the head of a man like Putin - is a reality. Because the position is clear - what they want and that the advocate, constantly slipping, Cameron, Hollande, Merkel and Obama. But, in addition, at the time, just when Obama was elected, he got a book, "The Audacity of Hope"- I read it in the time and tried to understand what it reminds me of. Then I realized: it reminds already forgotten book "Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and theWorld", composed by assistants Gorbachev.

Another thing is that Obama has not led his country to ruin, but that slip, the emptiness and the gap with the reality principle characteristic of him - it's true. But they largely to the current generation of American elites are characterized because they are not grown in terms of real politics of confrontation, they were in ecstasy - they think they are the only superpower.

Question: That is, in this case, our "first blow" when a fight is inevitable?

Sergei Chernyakhovsky: So generally always need to do, in fact, especially in relations with the West, particularly the United States. Because there is a certain mentality of the saloon - it does not mean that they are bad, it's an interesting country in general, interesting culture, but there is the reality of thinking begins to turn on only when clicks cocked Colt aimed forehead. Then they simply understand - yes, the conversation in the case understood.

Question: What's the "Valdai" speech, in your opinion, sharper, more urgent?

Sergei Chernyakhovsky: I would not compare them, they say, both in their own strengths. Just here made an impact focus, the focus attack on what our opponents do not want to negotiate, and we offer to negotiate, offer security for all. That is, there is going attack on their aggressive stance, and now - offensive points on their unrealistic position.

Question: In general, the speech was a critique and "some countries" that are used by terrorists in Syria to take advantage [4] and the "mission" of the USA, and US relations with allies, the sanctions - you would think that it was just one big criticism of America ?

Sergei Chernyakhovsky: Why should we criticize US foreign policy? You know, as they say, a critic - a failed writer, and we just show what it is flawed. We do not they say, "Oh, what you're bad, correct." We tell the rest: "It's a vicious policy, it will lead to disaster, we have to go this way we will not." This is not criticism, it's just an adequate description of what is happening. This question is addressed to the American elite to American public opinion, and to other countries, other public opinion. No wonder sounded postulate that America behaves with allies like vassals - he general, turned to other countries, they say, do you like it? You decide ...

Question: There was also another interesting point - the collapse of the USSR president called the tragedy of a humanitarian nature [5] - Do you agree with this statement?

Sergei Chernyakhovsky: Yes it is from any point of view, the tragedy - humanitarian, economic, human, geopolitical, because it upset the balance in the world. This is the greatest tragedy, at least the history of the 20th century. This idea, as far as I remember the first time has passed since the events in Beslan. In fact, Putin has generally been deeply hurt by what was happening in front of him in Germany when there was raging crowd, asked for support from neighboring units - the answer came back that Moscow is silent, without it can not do anything. But then we helped them. And then Vladimir Vladimirovich has told his friends - it can be found, it's no secret - that as the way to go, all pass, all betray? There's generally a lot of his statements can be found at different stages - he never positively assessed the collapse of the USSR.

Q: Well, is there then some promise, "message of"? Probably not so easy, we hear about the tragedy of the Soviet Union?

Sergei Chernyakhovsky: It carries a message that it is time to understand, recognize and try to fix it. I recall that in those, another 10-year-old Putin's remarks saying that we have kept the core territory of the USSR and called it by the Russian Federation. By the way, yesterday, when he spoke about the communion of Western leaders with the Soviet leaders, he at some point their leaders called Russia a higher level.

That is, for him, in general, Russia and the Soviet Union - and things of historical, political, and historical and civilizational common. Well, different names fraternal territories, but it is clearly said that the Ukrainian and Russian - is one people, and Belarus is concerned. He clearly said that the Russian - severed greatest nation in the world, and this, in principle, mean that it must reunite.

Question: It seems that this question and the previous question, including the UN General Assembly [6], - the continuation of the common rhetoric, which he holds for a long time?

Sergei Chernyakhovsky: Yes, of course, this is all in unity. If you take an article of his election in December 1999, then a campaign is not begun, but were declared statehood, patriotism, social. He has a clear position, a clear, precise line, he always followed her. In each case, he did what he could really do in those conditions, but it is his views and beliefs in this regard had not changed.

Question: Well, to draw a line under all the above, - the Western partners, foreign colleagues that they could learn from his words? What promises were to accept in the first place?

Sergei Chernyakhovsky: It depends on the relationship, because everyone hears what he wants to hear.

Those who want to evaluate the objective reality, they can hear, that Russia will not give up its interests, Russia is ready for cooperation, but Russia will firmly consistently rigidly defend their interests. We are open to contact with everyone who understands, who can communicate with us, but give in and compromise the essential things we will not.




[1] -

Putin spoke today with the "Valdai" speech. This time, the forum goes without Kudrin and Inozemtsev: News: On the eve
10.22.2015 11:38 Moscow time ECX Policy | In Russia, 9:38


[2] -

Spring: Putin's speech at the "Valdai" - forecast for thinking the world: News: On the eve
10.23.2015 13:10 Moscow time ECX Policy | Central FD | In Russia | Abroad, 11:10


[3] -

Prokhanov: dreamland justice: Analytics: On the eve
10/22/2015 Msc Policy | Southern FD | In Russia | Abroad, 10:21


[4] -

Putin said "unsuccessful" "double game" in the US fight against terrorism: News: On the eve
10.22.2015 20:35 Moscow time ECX Policy | Central FD | In Russia | Abroad, 18:35


[5] -

Putin: The collapse of the Soviet Union became a humanitarian tragedy: News: On the eve
10.23.2015 11:08 Moscow time ECX Policy | In Russia, 9:08


[6] -

Putin spoke with men, Obama - with imbeciles: Analytics: On the eve
28/9/2015 Msc Policy | Abroad, 20:30


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