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Россияне назвали главные критерии выбора школы для ребенка

Choosing a school is an important decision for every parent. One of the main criteria, on which more than half of Russians today are oriented, is the walking distance to an educational institution. Such data follow from the survey conducted by MAXIMUM Education and the developer PIK. The results were provided to Izvestia on September 24.

More than half of Russians (52%) noted that the school their child goes to should be within walking distance from home. Another third are ready to consider an educational institution located within 30 minutes. For 14%, having a school nearby is a deciding factor when choosing a home to buy. And 33% would be willing to pay extra for housing with developed educational infrastructure nearby.

This is mainly due to convenience: 44% prefer that the child can get to school independently, and 28% would like to save time on the road. For another 16%, the location of the school is also a safety issue, because they worry about how the child will get to school. And 8% of parents note that this is an opportunity for them not to get up too early in the morning.

For 20% of parents, the issue of a suitable school is crucial: in case there is no school in the district that meets their requirements, they plan to transfer their child to online education. Modern parents see a number of advantages in this: greater efficiency in preparing for exams (30%), the possibility of forming an individual schedule (29%) and an individual approach to learning (18%). Interestingly, 14% of Russians prefer online learning because there is no need to take their child to school.

Parents also shared their thoughts on their children's additional education: 32% prefer online courses, and another 32% would be willing to take their children to additional courses even in remote areas.

In addition, the majority of Russians (75%) responded that their children already receive additional education in online schools, 17% are going to give their child to such classes, and only 8% do not see the need for it.

The day before, Skysmart expert Diana Franchuk gave parents recommendations in a conversation with Izvestia on how to help their child regain interest in learning. Franchuk emphasized that the main thing is not to force or coerce the child. Any pressure can only increase resistance, especially when it comes to teenagers.

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