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Top 10 Movers And Shakers In Sustainability 2015

Top 10 Movers And Shakers In Sustainability 2015 The conversation around sustainability changed in 2015. Proponents of climate action shifted focus to the financial, health, and social costs of not doing anything, and people are listening. As communities around the world continue to experience devastating natural disasters, and scientific research links droughts in California and Syria to climate change, the momentum to do something is growing. In the first part of 2015, nations took a hard look at their greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) in order to submit commitments on how much they would reduce.

Before December's COP21 conference in Paris, 184 countries covering around 95 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions submitted their Intended Nationally-Determined Contributions (INDCs). The conference also resulted in the first ever universal climate change agreement that commits all countries in the world to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A lot happened in 2015, which made it difficult to choose this year's movers and shakers, but without further adieu, here is our 2015 list of the Top 10 Movers and Shakers in Sustainability (in no particular order):


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