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"It Ain't Flashy, It Ain't Sexy": 14-Minute Interview With Tom McCarthy, Director Of Best Picture Oscar Winner 'Spotlight'

One of the more reductive jabs thrown at "Spotlight" by some during the awards season was that it had all the craftsmanship of a TV movie. ScreenCrush did a pretty good job in vigorously defending the artistry of Tom McCarthy's film, which is certainly subtle, but no less accomplished. It takes a special kind of talent to avoid obviously dramatic filmmaking and pull off a movie as powerful as "Spotlight." Chatting last week with Studio 360, the filmmaker is upfront that it was a conscious decision that served the movie, to avoid visual pyrotechnics. 

READ MORE: Analyze This: Why 'Spotlight' Beat 'The Revenant' And 'The Big Short' To Win Best Picture

"Every time I take on a film, the style is representative of the content. Here, we're talking about journalism. It ain't flashy. It ain't sexy. When it's done well, it's incredibly impactful, and that's what we were shooting for," he said. "We wanted to make people feel like they were living this....

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