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Three cops injured in Durban shooting

Three cops injured in Durban shooting

Three police officers came under fire and sustained gunshot wounds after they responded to a call-out near a popular shopping mall in Durban.


Johannesburg – Three police officers came under fire and sustained gunshot wounds after they responded to a call-out near a shopping mall in Durban, paramedics said on Wednesday.

Crisis Medical spokesperson Kyle van Reenen said the incident occurred at around 2am, Wednesday morning, in Kwamashu.

“Reports from the scene indicate that members of the South African Police Service came under fire from armed assailants while responding to a call out near a popular shopping mall in the area,” said Van Reenen.

The spokesperson said all three wounded police officers were provided with advanced life support emergency care before being taken to a nearby hospital.

Although police comment was not immediately available, they were investigating the shootings.

African News Agency

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