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Izindunas salary deal after Zuma meeting

Izindunas salary deal after Zuma meeting

Headmen in KwaZulu-Natal have scored a major victory in their battle to have outstanding salaries paid by the provincial government.


Durban - Headmen (izinduna) in KwaZulu-Natal have scored a major victory in their battle to have outstanding salaries paid by the provincial government.

This came after President Jacob Zuma descended on the province to meet the delegation of about 50 izinduna in a closed door, two-hour meeting at the Durban City Hall on Sunday.

Izinduna on Monday hailed the meeting as bringing closer to finality the long overdue non-payment saga.

“It gives us hope that the matter is almost resolved. If it is with the president, there is no other person we can complain to,” spokesman of Ubumbano Lwezinduna, Vusi Mthethwa, said on Monday.

The meeting was attended by Premier Senzo Mchunu, Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC Nomusa Dube-Ncube, KZN House of Traditional leaders chairman Inkosi Phathisizwe Chiliza and other amakhosi (chiefs).

It came after it made the request via Mchunu amid their growing unhappiness at the handling of the non-payment of their salaries, despite Zuma signing a proclamation.

The meeting was urgently convened when it was feared that it would disrupt the voter registration weekend and the upcoming elections.

A proclamation signed by Zuma states it should be paid R91 000 in remuneration a year - a funding estimated at R222 million for the 2 039 it in KZN.

The province has previously complained not only about lack of funding for the izinduna, but also the absence of a framework to recognise the headmen.

The non-payment in KZN is contrary to what happens in other provinces, where izin-duna have been paid salaries since 2006, as opposed to the R1 300 stipend.

But, the presidency said the Sunday meeting had agreed izinduna should be recognised for the work that they do in their traditional communities.

Mthetwha said they would not disrupt elections and meetings would be held to give reports to other it in line with Zuma’s request.

Cogta spokesman, Msawakhe Mayisela, said they appreciated Zuma’s gesture to meet with it.

Daily News

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