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Journalist Says Saudis Paid Pakistan To Hide Bin Laden From Americans

Journalist Says Saudis Paid Pakistan To Hide Bin Laden From Americans

Award-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh talked in a wide-ranging interview with journalist Ken Klipperstein about the complex relationship between the United States, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, which he reported on extensively in his new book, “The Killing of Osama Bin Laden,” according to a story posted on RawStory.com. Among other things, Hersh said in the exclusive AlterNet interview that the Saudi government bribed Pakistan with “hush money” to hide Osama bin Laden from the U.S. because the Saudis didn’t want the Americans to interrogate him.“The money was from the government … what the Saudis were doing, so I’ve been told, by reasonable people (I haven’t written this) is...

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