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Laura Leonardis and Nina Zellweger

Laura Leonardis and Nina Zellweger

They're young, smart and inquisitive. Laura Leonardis and Nina Zellweger are off to Bangalore, India for an adventure. Swiss students, Laura and Nina are working for half a year as interns for swissnex India. While employed at the Swiss hub in Bangalore, they're learning that life in an Indian metropolis ticks a little bit differently than it does in Zurich or Geneva. Laura is studying business and economics at the HEC faculty of the University of Lausanne. Nina is a student at the EHL, a hotel management school, also in Lausanne. The Bangalore office is part of the Swiss government’s worldwide network of swissnex bureaus. swissnex India connects Switzerland and India in the fields of science, education, art and innovation. It’s an initiative of the Swiss State Secretariat for Education and Research and Innovation (SERI) in association with the Swiss foreign ministry.

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