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Bulgarian PM Expresses Opposition to Compulsory Voting, Blockade of Truck Drivers

Speaking to journalists in the town of Shumen on Friday, Bulgarian Prime Minsiter Boyko Borisov said that he is against the introduction of compulsory voting, which had been approved after parliament adopted a set of amendments to the Electoral Code on Thursday.

Borisov said that despite his opposition to compulsory voting, MPs from his party GERB voted in favour out of loyalty to their coalition partners.

The Patriotic Front (PF), one of the parties supporting the coalition government, had proposed the introduction of compulsory voting.

Borisov said that it was important to take into consideration the opinion of the other parties in the coalition.

Commenting another hot topic, Borisov also expressed opposition to the blockade, which truck drivers plan to stage at checkpoints along the border with Greece during the Easter holiday in response to the blockade of Greek farmers in February.

Back then, neither Greek authorities nor the European Commission intervened to lift the blockade which last over forty days. Even the conversations between Borisov and his Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras were of no avail.

The Bulgarian prime minister said that he will seek meeting with road hauliers and will attempt to discourage them from staging the blockade.

He intends to invite the representatives of road hauliers to a meeting in the beginning of next week.

Borisov added that he understands the discontent of road hauliers and they are in their full right to protest due to the humiliating actions of Greek farmers.

He is willing to seek the assurances of the Greek government that Athens will take concrete measures in the event of further blockades by Greek farmers.

Specialists have estimated that a possible blockade during the Easter holiday will result in heavy losses for the tourism industry.

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