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Mabopane residents loot foreign-owned shop

Mabopane residents broke into a shop and ransacked the premises during protests that have rocked the Tshwane metropolitan area this week.


Pretoria - Residents of Slovo Phase4 in Mabopane on Wednesday joined the protests that have rocked the Tshwane metropolitan area this week.

Earlier, police were called to a tuck shop owned by Pakistan nationals.

Local resident Kabelo Moloto alleged one of the Pakistani nationals had fired a shot at locals.

Police arrested the man who allegedly fired the shot.

When police left the area, though, residents broke into the shop and ransacked the premises, helping themselves to groceries. Adults, teenagers and even school children could be seen racing to the shop in a bid to grab whatever they could.

Police were called back to the scene and fired rubber bullets in a bid to disperse the crowd of looters, while also arresting a number of locals.

African News Agency

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