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Why Inclusion Is Paramount To Our Existence

This is not a blog about how diversity is good for increasing one's knowledge of different cultures or how good it is for business. This is more serious. While we strive for a diverse universe, it is inclusion that will make us stronger as a nation and continue to improve our standing in the world. Inclusion encompasses diversity but on a larger scale. Imagine for one moment that you have an organization of several hundred people. The organization is divided evenly among racial lines, ethnic lines, nationalities, and sexual/gender identities. Now imagine that a select few from this whole group is responsible for all the decision making without the voice of the hundreds that are remaining. See where I'm going?

Throughout this nation's history, we have been plagued with exclusion so much so that it has branched out into different "isms:" racism, sexism, chauvinism, corporatism, etc. However, in this 21st century, we have the ability and the technology to incorporate inclusion into one very important "ism" - activism. When I say activism, I do not mean get out your sign, go with a group of people and protest. As noble and necessary as that level of activism is, there are times when more is required. By more, I mean in the board room and even on the assembly line. See, diversity is good because I know that your organization has employees from every walk of life. Inclusion means that those employees that are from every walk of life have a hand in what is going on in the organization.


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