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Chances for refugees boosted by short asylum procedure

Chances for refugees boosted by short asylum procedure

Long asylum procedures seriously hamper the chances of refugees of finding a job in Switzerland, according to a study published in the journal Science Advances. The survey is based on data of 17,000 people with temporary refugee status in Switzerland between 1994 and 2004. The information was provided by the State Secretariat for Migration. The researchers found that immigrants who have to wait more than 12 months for the result of the official vetting process see their chances of finding employment reduced by 20%, the Swiss National Science Foundation says in a release on Wednesday. The study author, Dominik Hangartner, says the long waiting period is discouraging refugees irrespective of their professional skills, country of origin, age or gender. In June, Swiss voters approved a government-sponsored reform of the asylum law. It is aimed at speeding up procedures to a maximum of 140 days from currently 280 days on average. The study was carried out by the ...

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