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Koeberg papers weren’t leaked

As Eskom probes a leak of internal documents relating to Koeberg, an energy expert points out that the documents were not leaked.


Johannesburg - As Eskom probes a leak of internal documents relating to Koeberg, an energy expert points out that the documents were not leaked.

Pointing to an affidavit filed at the Constitutional Court earlier this month, EE Publishers investigative editor Chris Yelland says there was no leak as the documents are in the public domain.

Yelland pointed to the filing after Eskom this morning said it had suspended three senior managers at the station after “the distribution of documentation containing unauthorised facts and assumptions relating to Koeberg’s Production Plan and in particular, the steam generator replacement”.

The affidavit was signed by Westinghouse Customer Accounts Manager Frederik Wolvaart and notes that Eskom sent it a letter on August 2 that details revisions to its Koeberg production plan through to 2015. The letter was sent to Westinghouse as it is required for other contracts the company has with Eskom.

Wolvaart states it was sent out by Koeberg’s GM, Riedewaan Bakardien.

Eskom’s letter notes the steam generator replacement project has not been assigned to any specific outage and will be scheduled once there is clarity on the steam generator replacement schedule.

Westinghouse Electric is contesting contested the R5 billion contract to replace the generators at the Koeberg plant.

The Supreme Court of Appeal ruled on December 9 that Eskom must review the award after an “unlawful and procedurally unfair” decision by the utility.

Wolvaart notes, as a result, that there is a delay in replacing the steam generators, and this is likely to happen in 2021 and not 2018 as initially planned.

Eskom had used the urgency of replacing the generators as part of its defence when awarding a deal to Westinghouse rival Areva in 2014.

Wolvaart argues in his affidavit that, because Eskom has postponed the replacement of the generators, it could not previously have tendered and will be in a position to fulfil the order should it be granted relief.


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