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Canada Just Legalized Growing Medical Marijuana At Home

Big day for our friends to the North. As Canada's CTV News reported, "The federal government has announced new rules for medical marijuana users that will allow patients to grow their own at home. The new regulations, which will replace the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations, also include other changes such as stricter labelling requirements for dried pot and cannabis oils."

The nation's new Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations come into effect nationwide August 24th, less than two weeks from now. So if you're Canadian and reading this, all that's standing between you and a lovely homegrow like the ones you see in legal Colorado is a discussion with a prescribing doctor - that's right, an awkward 10 minute Skype call where you complain about not being able to sleep... or having problems with anxiety... or that pesky glaucoma, and boom, you're now a greenthumb operating within the bounds of Canadian federal law.


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