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52 arrests in Phuthaditjhaba over month-end weekend

A total of 52 people were arrested in Phuthaditjhaba for various crimes over the weekend.


Johannesburg - A total of 52 people were arrested over the weekend by the Phuthaditjhaba cluster stations for various crimes, Free State police said on Monday.

Police spokesperson Sergeant Mmako Mophiring said that on Friday, 11 police stations around the Phuthaditjhaba Cluster launched operations in the area as part of a crime blitz.

“Our objective was to address problematic crimes, ranging from dangerous weapons, dagga, illegal gambling, traffic and liquor related crime.

“Each police station within the cluster conducted their own operation to curb their priority crimes by conducting stop and search, mini road blocks and patrols,” Mophiring said.

Mophiring said amongst the 52 people arrested, was 15 for drunk driving, overloading and driving without a driver’s licence, 15 for possession of dagga and dangerous weapons. A further 18 were arrested for selling liquor without liquor licences and public drinking, while four were arrested for illegal gambling.

African News Agency

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