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The Agreement with EU to promote drop in air ticket prices

The Agreement with EU to promote drop in air ticket prices

“Airlines will provide their services in the freest possible area, which means they will not be bound by permissions or coordination from state aviation structures. They will make independent decisions, based on market research,” Garegin Melkonyan told Mediamax.

According to him, “The Agreement will boost market competition, which will lead to reduction of air ticket prices.”

Garegin Melkoyan noted that apart from liberalization, a number of regulations will be brought to compliance with European standards owing to this Agreement, and therefor EU airlines will view Armenia as a country with more comprehensive and common regulations.

Touching upon deadlines, the First Deputy Minister expressed an opinion that the discussions are more likely to be finished “in a few months”.

To the question on whether the agreement will increase the number of low-cost companies operating in Armenia, Garegin Melkonyan answered: “I think that the interest will grow in this area as well. Airlines will take into consideration while making calculations the fact, that they will operate in a market with freer regulations. ”

General Department of Civil Aviation under the Armenian government announced on December 6 that “negotiating groups are going to be formed in the nearest future.”

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