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Ararat Baccalaureate to be introduced in marzes

Corresponding decision was made today at the government session.

The launch of the program is scheduled for December 2016. The first stage anticipates introduction of the program in selected schools of marzes in Armenia and NKR, at least in one class per school.

Exams of Ararat Baccalaureate will be included in the system of university entrance examinations. Before the issue gets final solution, Ararat Baccalaureate graduates will be admitted to universities by selection.

Ayb Foundation held public hearings on this topic in all marzes of Armenia on December 5-15.

Ararat Baccalaureate is an Armenian-based educational program, which complies with international standards, and is designed to provide all Armenian students with the opportunity of competitive school education.

The program is realized in collaboration with Armenian Ministry of Education and Science, Cambridge International Examinations of the University of Cambridge (UCL) and London Institute of Education (IOE).

In September Mediamax talked about Ararat Baccalaureate with Executive Director of Ayb Foundation David Sahakyan, who was recently appointed Deputy Minister of Education of Armenia.

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