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Panel urges more humane approach globally

Panel urges more humane approach globally

A prominent member of a commission dedicated to reforming drug policies around the world called on Thursday for kinder, gentler policies toward drug addicts. Kofi Annan, the former United Nations secretary-general, told the Graduate Institute in Geneva on Thursday that a more humane approach will bring more effective solutions.  “Obviously we all want to protect our families from drugs, but if they do develop a drug problem they should be seen as patients in need of treatment and not criminals,” said Annan, who lives in Geneva and is one of 25 political leaders and prominent thinkers who make up the 5-year-old commission. He also said that Geneva’s status as a centre of global governance will help to “strengthen the human rights and health-based approaches to drug policy”. The commission, coordinated by the Geneva secretariat that opened in June, recommends that countries end civil and criminal penalties for drug use and possession. It also advocates stronger ...

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