2 июня 2024 года

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Independence Day Comes Early: The Playlist Moves To THEPLAYLIST.NET On May 2nd

“A new life awaits you in the Off-world colonies. A chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure.” - Blade Runner (1982) It's exciting, and maybe even a little nerve wracking, but on MONDAY, MAY 2ND, we'll be launching our shiny, new and fully independent site at THEPLAYLIST.NET. It will be the start of a new chapter for The Playlist, and will mark the close of our five year run as part of the Indiewire blog network. Please update your bookmarks, and sign up to our newsletter... Читать дальше...


James Wan’s ‘Aquaman’ Movie May Be In Trouble As Cracks Begin To Show In Warner’s DC Universe

A new report from Birth.Movies.Death says that director James Wan (“Furious 7”) may be leaving the Warner Bros’ DC Comics’ super hero film “Aquaman,” right on the heels of the announcement that Seth Grahame-Smith has left “The Flash” movie over creative differences (news that was tellingly dumped late on a Friday night). Suffice it to say, we’ve been hearing the same, much of it last night when BMD’s report was first published. Is Wan leaving? Well, there is certainly some larger cracks starting to show in the WB/DCU facade. Читать дальше...


Review: Jason Bateman's Endearing & Satisfying 'The Family Fang' With Nicole Kidman

Jason Bateman is getting better and better at directing. Working with an adaption of Kevin Wilson's novel, by screenwriter David Lindsay-Abaire ("Rabbit Hole”), this is his second movie behind the camera.  He rounds up a great ensemble of actors (himself included) to deliver a funny, sensitive, and layered piece of work. It's an original story about the thin, squiggly, line between art and life, comfortably swaying between comedy and drama. To call "The Family Fang" an improvement on Bateman’s debut "Bad Words", would be an understatement. Читать дальше...


John Krasinski Is 'Jack Ryan' In New Amazon Series

Last fall it was announced that Jack Ryan, the Tom Clancy created hero that that has seen a steady decline from the heydey of "The Hunt For Red October," "Patriot Games," "Clear And Present Danger," to the the nadir of "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit," was going to be revived. We all just told our Dads, moved on, and forgot about it, but indeed, it's still happening. Jim from "The Office" aka John Krasinski has been tapped to play the CIA analyst in "Jack Ryan." It might seem like an odd choice, but Michael Bay is among the series producers... Читать дальше...


‘The Flash’ Loses Director Seth Grahame-Smith Over “Creative Differences”

The narrative for Warner Bros. and their DCUniverse hasn’t been a good one. Lagging far behind Marvel and their massively successful Cinematic Universe — but hardly at war with one another as some have suggested — Warner Bros. knew they had to leverage their vast DC intellectual properties in a similar manner. But racing to get to a ‘Civil War’ like face off movie as quickly as possible, rather than letting their characters breathe and define themselves, Warner Bros. stumbled hard with the largely incoherent “Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice.


Elisabeth Moss Will Tell 'The Handmaid's Tale' On Hulu

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore; we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. l'm not sure how things are elsewhere, but at least in her native Canada, author Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" is required high school reading for many. The acclaimed novel won the Booker Prize in 1986 along with countless other honors, and was adapted into a 1990 feature film written by Harold Pinter, and directed by Volker Schlondorff. Читать дальше...


Jamie Foxx To Lead Long Developing R-Rated Puppet Noir 'The Happytime Murders'

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore; we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. Since 2008, fans of the Jim Henson Company have been salivating about "The Happytime Murders," a decidedly R-rated puppet noir, which, as you might expect, isn't the easiest thing to get made. But we're in the post-"Deadpool" era where anything irreverent and filthy seems to have a better chance at going into production... Читать дальше...


Video Game 'Shinobi' Is Headed To The Big Screen Because There Aren't Enough Ninja Movies

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore; we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. Believe it or not, I once played video games, and back in the day a game that took up a lot of time on my Sega Master System was "Shinobi." In the game, you played Joe Musashi, a master ninja who had to rescue students from some terrorist bad guys. No, it wasn't sophisticated, but it was fun, and spawned a series of games. Читать дальше...


Penélope Cruz To Star In Road Movie 'Layover'

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore; we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. Lately, Penélope Cruz has been flexing her comedy muscles, taking unlikely roles in "Zoolander 2" and "The Brothers Grimsby." But it seems she's got big Hollywood laughers out of her system, and she's pivoting toward a project that's more her usual cup of tea. READ MORE: Review: 'The Brothers Grimsby' Starring Sacha Baron Cohen... Читать дальше...


Marion Cotillard And Guillaume Canet Play 'Rock 'n' Roll'

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore; we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. Partners in life, Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet have also carried over their relationship into their careers. Canet, who once starred opposite Cotillard in "Love Me If You Dare" before they were together, has directed the actress in the ensemble drama "Little White Lies" and the gritty '70s-set "Blood Ties." Now he's going to do it again... Читать дальше...