MBB vs. Seton Hall - Matchup Analysis

Scoring Defense

Seton Hall: 1st - 46.8 PPG

Vanderbilt: 211th - 72.2 PPG

Scoring offense

Vanderbilt: 18th - 91.5 PPG

Seton Hall: 353rd - 53.8 PPG

Three Point Percentage

Seton Hall: 103rd - 36.51%

Vanderbilt: 313th - 27.87%

Vandy shoots 30.5 of them a game, Seton Hall only 15.8

Assist to Turnover

Vanderbilt: 1st - 2.63

Seton Hall: 316th - .82

FG Percentage

Vanderbilt: 94th - 48.13%

Seton Hall: 333rd: 38.42%

To sum it up, Seton Hall is terrible on offense...

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