
Новости за 14.05.2024


Jeszcze nie wszystko stracone! Polska wciąż może to zrobić

Polska zanotowała trzecią porażkę w mistrzostwach świata Elity w hokeju na lodzie. Na dodatek z rywalem, z którym miała walczyć o pozostanie w gronie najlepszym. We wtorek w Ostrawie lepsza od Polski okazała się Francją, wygrywając 4:2. To komplikuje sytuację naszej drużyny. Wciąż jednak są szanse na utrzymanie się w Elicie.

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Browns S Rodney McLeod to retire after 2024 season

(Photo credit: Ken Blaze-USA TODAY Sports) Cleveland Browns safety Rodney McLeod said he plans to retire following the 2024 NFL season. McLeod, who turns 34 in June, missed the last seven games of the 2023 campaign with a biceps injury. "This is the last lap for me. It's been a long career," he told NFL Network on Tuesday. "I'm looking forward to rocking out with my teammates this year, giving it all and hopefully endin

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Aaron Nola pitches shutout as Phillies beat stumbling Mets

(Photo credit: Brad Penner-USA TODAY Sports) Aaron Nola retired the first 15 batters he faced on his way to a dominant four-hitter to lead the visiting Philadelphia Phillies to a 4-0 victory over the New York Mets on Tuesday afternoon. The Phillies won for the 22nd time in 27 games and became the first team in the majors to reach 30 victories this season thanks to Nola's sixth career complete game. It was Philadelphia's


Hapal: Kluci si nevěřili, pak byli i lepší než Sparta. Ofsajd? Nám gól neuznali

Baník je ve skupině mezi obry za otloukánka. Zatím. Ostravští nebodovali ani ve třetím zápase nadstavby FORTUNA:LIGY, v úterý večer podlehli po Slavii (0:5) a Mladé Boleslavi (0:1) také Spartě. Tentokrát 1:2. Ve druhé půli je srazila červená karta Patricka Kpoza a bleskový gól Veljka Birmančeviče. Přesto ztráta na vytouženou čtvrtou pozici v tabulce zůstává dvoubodová. „První poločas byl bez sebevědomí. Střídal jsem kvůli zranění a slabším výkonům,“ řekl trenér Pavel Hapal.

Sport.fr (Rugby) 

PSG : Emmanuel Petit détruit Luis Campos, le responsable d’un « fiasco financier »

Un mercato estival raté, le feuilleton Mbappé… Emmanuel Petit a pris la parole sur RMC et reproché de nombreuses choses à Luis Campos, le conseiller sportif du PSG. « Je lui reproche de s’être trompé sur beaucoup beaucoup trop de profils, alors que le PSG était en train de changer de cap. On était tous impatient […]

Чемпионат.com (футбол) 

Эдерсон разозлился на Гвардиолу из-за замены в матче АПЛ с «Тоттенхэмом»

Вратарь «Манчестер Сити» Эдерсон Мораес остался недоволен заменой, которую главный тренер «горожан» Хосеп Гвардиола совершил на 69-й минуте матча 34-го тура английской Премьер-лиги с «Тоттенхэмом».

Sport.fr (Rugby) 

Barça : des stars et des indésirables, une purge XXL se prépare

Le FC Barcelone se prépare à un mercato estival agité, marqué par une restructuration profonde de son effectif. Sous la contrainte du plafond salarial imposé par la Liga et confronté à des difficultés financières persistantes, le club catalan envisage un dégraissage massif. Selon les informations d’El Desmarque, jusqu’à dix-sept joueurs pourraient être concernés par des […]

Sports - Google News (uk) 

Helium leak delays Starliner crewed test flight - SpaceNews

  1. Helium leak delays Starliner crewed test flight  SpaceNews
  2. Historic Starliner crewed launch attempt delayed again due to helium leak in Boeing spacecraft  CNN
  3. Nasa contractor warns against Boeing space launch due to the 'risk of a disaster'  The Independent
  4. Launch Roundup: Starliner delays second launch attempt; Falcon 9 to launch first batch into new spy constellation - NASASpaceFlight.com  NASASpaceflight.com
  5. Helium leak delays Boeing's 1st Starliner astronaut... Читать дальше...

Sports - Google News (uk) 

Driver arrested after truck hits farm worker bus, killing eight and injuring 40 in Florida - Sky News

  1. Driver arrested after truck hits farm worker bus, killing eight and injuring 40 in Florida  Sky News
  2. Aerial video shows scene after deadly Florida bus crash  BBC
  3. Florida bus crash: Dunnellon melon farm workers killed by DUI truck driver, police say  The Telegraph
  4. Florida trucker arrested for drink driving as bus crash killed eight  Daily Mail

Sports - Google News (uk) 

AfD leader in Thuringia convicted of deliberately using Nazi slogan - Financial Times

  1. AfD leader in Thuringia convicted of deliberately using Nazi slogan  Financial Times
  2. German court fines senior AfD politician €13,000 for using banned Nazi phrase  The Guardian
  3. German court fines far-right figure Bjorn Hocke for using Nazi slogan  Al Jazeera English
  4. Prominent German far-Right politician fined for using Nazi slogan in speech  The Telegraph
  5. 'I wasn't aware': Far-right regional leader of Germany's AfD in court for final day of Nazi slogan trial... Читать дальше...