
Новости за 30.07.2024

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

UAE Jiu-Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts Federation announces the final preparations for the 5th IMMAF Youth World Championships

ABU DHABI, 30th July, 2024 (WAM) - The UAE Jiu-Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts Federation has announced the final preparations for the fifth edition of the IMMAF Youth World Championships, set to take place from August 6-10 at the Mubadala Arena in Zayed Sports City. The event, held under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin: Sai takes her decision in court; Savi bonds with Sai

Sai's pivotal courtroom decision in Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin involved confronting choices about her and her daughter Savi's future. Savi's heartfelt testimony emphasized their unbreakable bond. The emotionally charged scenes showcased Sai's determination and the depth of their relationship, promising an engaging continuation of the storyline for viewers.

Sports - Google News (uk) 

Venezuela protests grow as opposition disputes vote results - Al Jazeera English

  1. Venezuela protests grow as opposition disputes vote results  Al Jazeera English
  2. Maduro’s exit inevitable, says Venezuela opposition leader, as election protests grow  The Guardian
  3. Maduro’s flawed victory won’t solve his problems  Financial Times
  4. Nicolás Maduro claims implausible victory in Venezuela’s election  The Economist


Bronzová Ukrajinka v slzách: Bojujeme za ty, které Rusko zabilo...

Triumf věnovaný hrdinům, obráncům vlasti a padlým krajanům. Několikanásobná olympijská medailistka Olha Charlanová v těsném duelu vybojovala už pátý cenný kov. Když v slzách políbila šermířskou masku s ukrajinskými barvami, přiznala tíhu obrovského tlaku, který na ni během pondělního turnaje v Paříži dopadal. „Zápasíme i za sportovce, kteří tu dnes bohužel být nemohou, protože je Rusko zabilo,“ vzkázala světu třiatřicetiletá Charlanová.

Спорт Mail.Ru (хоккей) 

«Шахтер» обыграл «Динамо-Молодечно» в первом матче Кубка Салея

30 июля, Минск /Корр. БЕЛТА/. Матчем в Молодечно стартовал розыгрыш второго по значимости турнира в отечественном хоккее — Кубка Беларуси, носящего имя Руслана Салея, сообщает корреспондент БЕЛТА.


Simone Biles reinstala el orden mundial

La reina de los Juegos lidera a Estados Unidos a la reconquista de la medalla de oro por equipos y suma su quinto título olímpico  Leer