Courtesy of a Moron

By Ron Signore

The 2016 election really screwed this country. There really isn’t much that can cause a change in that opinion. The democratic party mirrored what we are seeing currently in the GOP, not nearly as bad or as much of a circus, but equally damning to say the least.

The lack of unification over Bernie and Hilary supporters was the catapult for this current trajectory we are on. We opened the door and allowed hate to pursue. Ironically, I am getting de ja vu for this scenario on the left with the Palestinian/Gaza supporters.

Hate comes in many forms. Bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, to name a few, are the key factors of which this country is experiencing now because of that election. To be clear, those all existed prior to 2016 in this country. But it is hard to identify any real motivating factor other than hate that is driving this current course we are on.

We all knew Chump was exactly what he has turned out to be. We all knew that George Carlin had a point that rings true in imagining how stupid the average American is and realizing half of them are ‘stupider’ than that. Many of us just never imagined it would revolt to the current dichotomy in American politics that we see today. However, we saw the best Cheeto Boy impression from the left by pouting and walking away with their tail between their legs because they didn’t get their way. Well, THANK YOU, Morons.

This dichotomy we are seeing as a result of the 2020 election, that I believe was fair and just, is the work of a conman leveraging the ignorance of his supporters, and it seems more and more easy to follow the roots to hate than we may realize.

The Orange Loser gained steam by preying on the hate people had for President Obama. Conspiracies we are experiencing today found their roots, in my opinion, because a bunch of white people lost their minds when a black man was voted in as President. Some will deny it to your face, and others will blatantly make sure we know that this is a “white, Christian, country.”

In some ways, I do blame President Obama for where we are today, and it is not because he is black. I believe President Obama was the best example of a President in my lifetime. Reagan, as much as were seeing fault in hindsight, was not a bad president, and had a uniting a peaceful America as a motive. Even with what we now know are policies that are not great, I would be hard pressed to think that any of his actions in office were selfishly motivated.

I am not naïve; I believe there is some level of corruption with many leaders. I am sure, like W, like H.W., and obviously like Chump, there were gains in some way, shape, or form. Chump is just the obvious with taking foreign funds during his time in office. Clinton, I felt was a good president at a good time, but he had an obvious flaw that made headlines and tarnished what was a solid 8 years governing in the White House. But not since what I have learned about President Carter have, I observed as wholesome, open minded and uniting (at least by effort) President. The admiration and pedestal he had for his family with the efforts to bring peace and harmony over 8 years, of which he inherited an absolute mess from W, was the most ambitious I have seen in my lifetime.

How could I blame him at all? He outwitted Cheeto Boy at a correspondents dinner, literally exposing him for the idiot and narcissist that he is. Tiny hands isn’t a brainiac, but he is a relentless fighter. He just uses his fight for his own gain and leverages the weak minded to support him. We saw it in Nazi Germany. The playbook is uncanny. His back was in a preverbal corner, and he ran with whatever he could to march on the offensive. He built his campaign on a principle of draining the swamp that is the deep state that controls the government.

Much like now, he bellows whatever comes out of his tiny orange mouth with no filter. However, when you go back and listen to what came out of his mouth between the insults and nonsense, were promises that really never came to fruition. The wall never got built, and Mexico surely didn’t pay. In fact, if you look at it, when he announced wall construction at the border, caravans of people from as far as South America made their way to try and come in our southern borders. Hilary isn’t in jail. The rich got richer. Civil unrest didn’t go away. Covid wasn’t a hoax. The list goes on.

But our actions on the left in 2016 allowed an ignorant senile conman to have powers he never should have had, and it is biting us all in the behind right now. His ability to have a choice in placing supreme court justices, three in Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett, allowed for the door to open back to 1954, which is clear where he and his supporters want to go. Overturning Roe V Wade was a step backwards, but ultimately there is a desire to get to an uneducated, blind following nationalist nation where he is a king spoiled in riches.

Now the Supreme Court has agreed to hear his Presidential Immunity claim that has continued to be denied throughout the court system at each level to the top. It is absolutely concerning for multiple reasons. The first is the lopsided SCOTUS with the clearly documented acts that are of questionable ethics. We can hope they are fair and hold to the constitution that no one person is above the law, which admittedly they did with his attempts in the courts to overturn the election back in 2020.

While a 6-3 ruling in his favor would be obvious and ridiculous, that may not be the most harmful impact. The fact that this is another legal maneuver to at the very least stall proceedings all but guarantees that we will not see the diaper wearing idiot in court before the election. While I have never really believed in polls, which I do feel are decent indicators that should be taken with grains of salt, many polls give the perception that he continues to gain momentum of support going into the election. If he wins, one could speculate that he is going to be even more dangerous to our democracy going forward. Things like portraying an authoritarian ruler that could lead to the extreme possibility that he won’t ever leave the White House or see prosecution for his crimes.

The possibilities are extremely scary for our federal government and the reality of these scenarios are more possible than one might think. I don’t want to sound the conspiracy and paranoia alarms, but there is enough observation in his behavior that make this something to fear.

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