6 times Aaron Rodgers showed us how extremely problematic he is

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is apparently considering Aaron Rodgers as a potential running mate in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

Despite it being the ticket out of sports that Rodgers seems to be looking for and the best option for a much-needed reprieve from the somehow always-aggrieved QB the rest of us need, it’s probably not the greatest idea in the world.

Rodgers potentially being placed in a meaningful leadership position for an entire country is a petrifying thought.

At his core, he only cares about himself. Bombast is his ethos. He lives for self. He loves pushing conspiracy theories out there - not for the betterment of society, but only to hear himself talk. It feels like he’s got an incurable case of main character syndrome that veils up logic and common sense.

Case in point: Rodgers was reportedly pushing Sandy Hook conspiracy theories claiming the murders of innocent children were staged, according to CNN. Those are the sorts of theories Rodgers dives deep into. That’s what this man is about.

I’d love to claim to be surprised by that, but Rodgers has been showing us that this is who he is for years.

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