Kim Kardashian probably didn't deserve to get booed at the Tom Brady roast but fans did it anyway

Let’s just come out and say it: Kim Kardashian didn’t deserve all the boos at the Tom Brady roast that aired live on Netflix Sunday night.

The jokes at her expense? That’s part of roasting at one of these events — you dish out the (sometimes very tasteless) jokes and then you get the occasional (sometimes very tasteless) joke sent back your way.

So let’s focus on the moment that had everyone buzzing: Kardashian stepped up to the mic and the boos rained down. Why? Because she’s a Kardashian? It could be because she’s a bit of a square peg among the group of comedians and football stars, and sometimes that person gets razzed by the crowd at a roast. But I’m hoping it’s that and not for other reasons.

Here’s that moment and a couple of the jokes we could print:

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