College baseball fans couldn't believe a Clemson player was ejected from a Super Regional game for the pettiest reason

This was a really curious ejection.

Game 2 of Clemson and Florida’s Super Regional series took a turn Sunday when a small skirmish broke out in the second inning.

It absolutely didn’t have to, though.

Umpires had seemingly diffused the situation before it could blow up into anything bigger after a Clemson baserunner pushed the pitcher trying to tag him out on a check-swing dribbler up the first base line. However, in the aftermath, umps decided to eject first baseman Jack Crighton — who was on second base when everything went down.

The reason? He touched an umpire after running in late to defend his teammate, according to GatorsOnline writer Nick de la Torre. In the video below, Crighton is in the No. 3 purple jersey that comes in from the left.

If someone had to be ejected, it’s surprising Crighton was the one. Not only did he not start the altercation, he also wasn’t the only player to make contact with an umpire. The original baserunner, Nolan Nawrocki, leaned into an umpire at the very start of it all. Clemson’s dugout emptied too.

Tigers head coach Erik Bakich was so disappointed with the decision, he appears to tell the umpire to inform Crighton about the ejection himself.

Bakich wasn’t alone. Fans at the game in Clemson and those watching from home couldn’t believe the ejection either.

Boos at the game

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