Not a God

By Deanna Maria R.

By the title, you may think this is going to be about Donald Trump. You would be wrong. Rather, this is an advice piece on how to find out if that new doctor you are about to entrust has a God complex or not and how to ensure he or she doesn’t use it on you.

When you have gone to doctors as often as I have in the last 30 years, you tend to stumble upon a few that think they are all that and a bag of potato chips. My dad, who passed away (RIP JFR.) in 2019 and was a Navy Vet plus an RN, claimed the doctors who knew the least, had the biggest God complexes to compensate for their ignorance and I am being nice about it. Those doctors that look at you after five minutes of seeing you, and act as if you are an infant that doesn’t understand the words coming out of his or her mouths, those are the ones this piece is about.

After enduring such abusive behavior from these physicians with superiority complexes for years, one day I had enough and came up with a way, before even seeing the new doctor, to tell whether he or she had a God complex, I ask the nurses and I am not joking. It would have been in the early 2000s that I decided to first implement my, No Gods Allowed plan. I had an appointment with a new doctor, no problem, right? I had been treated so badly by doctors that I confess, I walked in there with an attitude ready to fight, in a manner of speaking.

So, as I’m signing in and taking care of paperwork, I walk up to the window and ask which nurse belongs with the doctor I am seeing, she happened to be standing there. I look at her and casually ask, for everyone to hear, does the doctor have a God complex? Now, two things are guaranteed to happen, the nurse is going to stammer, no, (even if the doctor does have one) and, typically, they tell the doctor. Then when it is your turn to see the doctor, they will either ask you if you asked the nurse that or they won’t, that’s when you either tell them, yep, I did, if they ask, or you tell them what you ask the nurse. They will ask what the nurse said, and you say, she or he said you do not have a God complex, and there you go, not one ounce of God complexes to be seen or heard from again. I don’t know why it worked, but it did. Just be extremely nice when asking and keep your giggles to yourself. Until you’re out of earshot anyways.

Check out Deanna’s art work which can be purchased HERE.

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