Yet Another Open Letter to MAGA (Post-Conviction Edition)

By Sharon Synowsky

Hello, MAGA Darlings!

It’s little ol’ me again. Now that Donald J. Trump is a convicted felon, I thought it’s time we have another “chat”. So, turn off Hannity, log out of Truth Social, repost Catturd later. Pull up your flag covered La-Z-Boys, grab a cold Coors Light (I know y’all are still pissed at Bud Light), loosen the giant gold lamé diapers a bit, and LISTEN UP! I am about to throw some facts your way and show you that the trial wasn’t “rigged”. Now wait, hear me out before you yell curse words at me, call me that nasty name and insult my appearance.

1. Joe Biden and the DOJ are not behind this. It is a New York state case. “What about Colangelo? He used to work for the DOJ!”. Well, Todd Blanche worked on cases related to bank and wire fraud, racketeering and public corruption as a prosecutor with the SDNY. He used to work for the DOJ, too. Saying Colangelo is working for Biden because he once worked for the DOJ is the same as saying Blanche did such a lousy job of defending Trump in this case because HE used to work for the DOJ. See? Ridiculous.

2. Alvin Bragg did not indict Trump. D.A. Bragg brought the charges. He presented his case to a grand jury, 12 every day, average citizens. Todd Blanche presented his case in defense of Trump to the same grand jury. The grand jury deliberated and found that there was enough evidence to indict. The grand jury indicted Trump. Jeez, you’d think you guys would have watched enough “Law & Order” and “Blue Bloods” episodes to know that this is how the American justice system works. But I digress…

3. Justice Merchan didn’t convict Trump. A jury which, like the grand jury, is comprised of 12 every day, average citizens, convicted Trump. And before you say Trump couldn’t get a fair jury in Manhattan, know this: one juror gets his news from Fox News; one juror follows Trump on Truth Social; one was extremely religious. The MAGA base was represented, and even THEY found Trump guilty.

4. Justice Merchan is not a “highly conflicted” jurist. In fact, the good Justice sought clarity from the Advisory Committee for Judicial Ethics ON HIS OWN, and the ethics panel found Merchan’s impartiality “cannot reasonably be questioned” based on his daughter’s activities, or on the “modest” political contributions he made more than two years ago.* Now, if you want to see examples of “highly conflicted” jurists, just look at Aileen Cannon, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

5. Stormy Daniels TOTALLY told the truth when she testified as to how Trump intimidated her into having sex with him. One particular detail in her testimony has a very loud ring of truth to it. Seriously, just Google “Trump robe picture”. (Ew!) If you truly believe otherwise, you are beyond gullible and deserve to be grifted out of your bingo and beer money to pay a “billionaire’s” legal fees.

6. Justice Merchan is Colombian, not Mexican. And no, it’s NOT the same thing. (Minor point in the grand scheme of things, but this little detail stuck in my craw because it highlights Trump’s ignorance and racism.)

7. Saying D.A. Bragg and Justice Merchan are “Soros-backed” is also a racist dog whistle. It’s just downright ludicrous, as well. Really? You actually believe that one wealthy Dude is funding all of these underlings to “get Trump”? If Mr. Soros were funding a third of the shit Trump says he is funding, Mr. Soros would be dead broke by now.

8. Justice Merchan’s daughter’s profession has NOTHING to do with anything about this trial. Your profession has nothing to do with your Dad’s. Your child’s profession has nothing to do with yours. That’s like saying if “Dad” is a doctor and “Son” is a funeral director, “Dad” would risk his hard work, education, reputation and license and let patients die to help “Son”. Again, ridiculous! You were fed this information so that you would do exactly what you did – make threats, intimidate, bitch, and whine. And this leads me to –

9. The gag order. It is not unconstitutional and is used quite often. A gag order is issued to prohibit attorneys, witnesses and parties in a lawsuit or criminal case from discussing aspects of, witnesses in, and/or evidence presented in a case. Gag orders are also used to prevent intimidation tactics by any participant in a case. Trump is under gag orders in almost all his cases. (Guess which Judge hasn’t imposed a gag order?) And it’s not because “Biden is trying to silence his political rival” – it’s because you all do not know how to behave. Trump can’t badmouth certain people? The blame for that lies at your feet, MAGA.


Full stop.

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