Not My Family, Not My Problem

By Sharon Synowsky

So, Dear MAGA, you and your orange baboon-butt leader are gleefully celebrating the overturning of Roe v. Wade. You are absolutely fine with women losing their ability to have a child or dying- DYING!- because, “Save the unborn!” You are willing to sacrifice the woman in service to an unborn, non-viable fetus. You don’t really care that if the mother dies, so does the unborn child, which saves no one.

But once that baby is born, you stop caring about the child.

“Not my family, not my problem.”

You refuse to fund programs like SNAP, WIC, after school programs, child care. Your party has kicked millions of children off of Medicaid across numerous red states. A GOP elected official in New Hampshire, after voting down a bill for free school lunches, was overheard saying, “Not my kid, not my problem.”

“Not my family, not my problem.”

How despicable. How heartless. How cruel.

But then, that’s the point, isn’t it? The cruelty.

“Not my family, not my problem.”

Look at your behavior when Covid was ravaging this country and people were dying by the thousands every day. You refused to wear a mask and social distance. You fought against the shut-down. When the vaccine that TRUMP got developed quickly under Operation Warp Speed became available, you refused to get “the jab”. To this day, you brag about being a “pureblood” (I won’t go into the comparison of the term “pureblood” in the Harry Potter series other than to say that your coopting of the term is absolutely fitting).

You were all about “my body, my choice” then.

Tell me, how many people did you infect with Covid?

How many did you kill?

“Not my family, not my problem.”

Until it is…

And trust me, it will be…

How many family members have you lost already? To Covid, to MAGA, to Trump.

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